Howell Cheney Technical High School
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Cheney Tech Awards Assembly

On Wednesday, June 7th Cheney Tech held the annual Awards Assembly where 107 students received awards for various aspects of high achievement.

Carpentry/Verplanck Sandboxes

On Wednesday the Cheney Tech Carpentry seniors visited Verplanck Elementary School and helped Mrs. Vichitto and her first graders construct two

Jake St. Amand Eagle Scout

On Sunday, May 14, 2017, Senior HVAC student Jake St. Amand was recognized for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. Jake is a member of Troop 880 in

Cheney Tech Foodshare Club

Fifteen Cheney Tech Foodshare Club members went with Ms. Goodman and Mr. Hughes to Food Share in Hartford on Wednesday, January 11th where they.

Imagine Main Street

Imagine Main Street Flyer Artist/Vendor/Participant/Musician Information Sheet

NAHS Imagine Main Street

Photos of the National Art Honor Society students at “Imagine Main Street”, Main Street Manchester. As usual, our Cheney Tech students did a p .

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